I'm Afraid It's Not Working Out

What do you do when you hear the words, ‘I’m afraid it’s not working out. We’re terminating your employment’? Well for the first time in her life, that was reality for Mel Hare and as a single parent - it was the last thing she needed to hear. How do you pick yourself up again? In this guest blog, Mel tells us how she did it…

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Time for Opportunities

Our friend, Tara Rule came along to our Chaos to Calm Mindset Masterclass a month ago because when her world was turned upside down due to the pandemic, she wanted to make sure she handled it as best she could. What she got, was way more than she expected! Check out her amazing guest blog and find out why…

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Cheryl Lee Comments
4 Things to Stop Doing Right Now

If we asked you if you would like to be happier, you would look at us like we had lost the plot! “Of course!” you would profess. And we believe you! But the fact is that we know you’re doing stuff day in and day out that just gets in the way of your happiness. Take a seat and let’s break it down…

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Cheryl Lee Comments
Clarity First

Have you ever set a goal and then not really saw it through. Even though it seemed really important to you at the time. Then you’re beating yourself up wondering why the hell you can’t stick to anything. Well, you’re not the only one we promise. So whatever it is you want to achieve in life, here’s where we recommend you start…

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Cheryl LeeComment
A Christmas Gift

In this blog, you hear from our friend, Lorna Harper, who shares her light-hearted look at Christmas Spirit and what it means - and also at energy, mindset and Elf! Read on to get some great ideas and techniques to help you make it through the Holidays with joy in your heart and your sanity intact!

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Cheryl Lee Comments
Christmas ‘Presence’…What’s On Your List?

Is your Christmas ‘to do’ list well underway?... or is it still ‘to do’?! Have you had that conversation with family/friends yet so you know whose spending Christmas where and with whom this year? – or are you putting it off just a little bit longer?! Yes, we’ve been there too - here’s our tips for staying sane this Christmas…

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Cheryl LeeComment

Last month I fulfilled a vision of mine which was to go to a retreat - in LA! Specifically in a $6 million dollar mansion in Beverly Hills.  It was just this time last year that I found out about this retreat and I said right there and then - I wanted to be there. Now I’m sharing what I learned with you - oh...and how I made it happen!

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Cheryl LeeComment
Who is Sitting Next to You?

In this blog, our friend Tara Rule shares a recent experience from her travels, where she made the most of getting to know the woman sitting next to her and shares the amazing tips she got on how to be a professional speaker!

Are you the type of person who gets on a plane and keeps your head down? Or are you the type of person who strikes up a conversation with the person sat next to you?

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Cheryl LeeComment
A Summer of Contrast

As the summer is drawing to a close and autumn moves in with the winds getting a cooler on the seafront and the dark nights closing in, it felt like a great time to stop and reflect and we want you to do the same here - it’s been a while since our last blog because there has been so much going on! So hope you enjoy this one...

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Cheryl Lee Comment
Cheryl Laid Bare

Last week when Donna went on holiday for a couple of days, I had a breakout all over my face. So what do I do when I have to coach clients and go Live on Facebook and Instagram. Do I cancel? Or do I get vulnerable and turn up with no makeup on..?

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Cheryl LeeComment
What will they think of me?

What can you achieve when you let go of fear and forget what you’re worried about other people may be thinking of you? Ever wondered what your life would look life if you didn’t for even a second, stop to think, ‘Oh, but what if it doesn’t work out..?’  Imagine what you would do, where you would go, what you would say…

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Cheryl LeeComment
Leap of Faith

Would you like to appear live on BBC Radio Newcastle..? We had to pinch ourselves at being asked that question, but when Donna and I were given the opportunity, we didn’t hang about. “Yes please!” was our answer - because the more people we can reach to spread the word - to do all you can to be the best version of you and start living the life of your dreams, the better…

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To Hull and Back

Last week it was Easter Holidays, so it was a great opportunity to have some time out and do something different with Kaleb. The journey took me somewhere mentally and emotionally that I wasn’t expecting…

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Hollie PrescottComment
I’ll Be Happy When…

Do you find yourself saying this? We all do it, don’t we! I’ll be happy when it’s the weekend, I’ll be happy when I get that pay rise, I’ll be happy when the kids are a bit more independent, I’ll be happy when I have some savings in the bank...find out why we think this is one of the most dangerous mindsets you can have!

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Now this may sound a little out there but since I was a little girl I always wanted to do a firewalk..!  So when the opportunity came up from a presentation skills course we were on to attend an event where there was potentially going to be a firewalk, Cheryl and I couldn't say no…

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Cheryl LeeComment
My Top 5 Parenting Mistakes To Avoid

Today Hollie was modelling in London. Hollie is my daughter. She’s 21 now, but she’s still my only baby. She’s never really been that far before without family so it was a weird sensation. I was so proud of her for doing it but equally, I was a little anxious for her as this was a big thing for her!

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Cheryl LeeComment
Wonder Women

International Women’s Day for us is a fantastic chance to celebrate women! And we never miss a chance to celebrate women here at NIYT HQ. We are different. That’s a good thing, let’s just celebrate the beauty of that! So it’s time to take a load off, grab your decaf-non-fat-non-fun latte and have five minutes with us. It’s time to celebrate!

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Cheryl LeeComment